Category: Bruno Iksil


JP Morgan Trading Losses: Dimon Speaks About The Whale

Article of the day link: Well obviously. He was hardly going to tell Congress that the trading loss was entirely expected and hum-drum. Except that it is. Because losses, when you play in markets, well they happen. And calling a loss an “aberration” is much like calling a loss a “loss”. I mean – if […]

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Bruno Iksil: The Wailing Flailing Whale Update

Well wail whale JPMogwarts. Your wizard’s a bad one. It turns out that the strategy that moves markets just got awkwardly filed away as an egregious error. The highlights: “The portfolio has proven to be riskier, more volatile, and less effective as an economic hedge than the firm previously believed” “In hindsight, the new strategy […]

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Bruno Iksil: the Volkermort of JPMogwarts

Bruno Iksil: he rules from the shadows. So for those who haven’t been following, the recent story shaking the Bloomberg Buzzworld is that of the JPMorgan credit derivatives trader with enough capital to break indices. Other traders are upset and calling him names. Names like “He Who Must Not Be Named” and “the London Whale”. […]

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Daily News Roundup 2012: Monday 9 April

Good morning The headlines: JP Morgan trader Bruno Iksil, recently dubbed Voldemort (not by me – but high fives to whoever did), has drawn attention to the little-known area of the bank that invests the bank’s own capital. This comes back to the debate around the Volker Rule (part of the Dodd-Frank Act), which seeks […]

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