Category: Austerity


Blackmailing Greece

I wasn’t quite ready to write this post – but given the deadlocks and failed meetings and Monday deadlines (aren’t we all just so tired of all these deadlines?) – I thought that I’d better get in there one more time, in case Monday is a complete blowout. First off, Greece is still going. I was […]

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ECONOMIES ARE NOT HOUSEHOLDS. The bad paradigms must stop.

As Greece approaches what might well be her final hour (in a long string of last-minutes and ultimatums and bluffs), I wanted to write something more about it. And add to the already long-winded catalogue: Germany: History has more lessons that just inflation (because the Germans have lost their minds). Grexit: The Costs and Impossibilities (because […]

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Syriza, Are You Actively Trying To Get Greece Kicked Out?

Sometimes, it's cooler to be thrown out... Includes a graph, a video clip, and a picture of Varoufakis playing chess.

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Syriza, turning Left, and is there any evidence for it?

Growing up as a baby economist, you learn very quickly that the world is split into two types: The economists that turn right; and The crazies that went away after the Soviet Union fell. Although there are still some left in China. And obviously, the Obama government. Then you enter adolescence, and you either become […]

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Germany: History has more lessons than just inflation #GreekElections

Dear Germany I know that you’re a bit concerned about Alexis Tsipras and his election win in Greece. There’s lots of rhetoric floating around about all the debt that Greece won’t be paying under his stewardship, and that doesn’t sit well with (mostly) yourselves. The other members of the Eurozone as well – but especially […]

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Daily News Roundup 2012: Tuesday 8 May

Good morning The headlines: Consumer credit in the US is growing. Consumer credit “surged” in March: its largest monthly movement in a decade. The increase came mostly from new car and student loans (but the indicator released by the Fed doesn’t track home mortgages – so where else is the increase going to come from?). […]

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