Category: Just An Observation

roaring twenties

Roaring Twenties! Um, welcome back?

After the Spanish Flu, we had a decade of exuberance. Perhaps after Covid, we're get the Roaring Twenty Twenties?

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spend money

How People Spend Their Money

Breaking it down.

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Business-invented holiday traditions

Rudolf's red nose? Yes. St Valentine? No.

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Homeownership: why are houses so expensive?

QE and Airbnb, for starters.

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salaries and exchange rates

Salaries and Exchange Rates: Defining your “real” worth

Does the 'dollar value' of Rand salaries matter?

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future tech

A Timeline of Future Tech

An inforgraphic timeline of science soon-to-not-be-fiction

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The SARB: nationalisation is NOT the issue

Ownership of the SARB is not the problem here. The public protector is.

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The Problem with Global Growth

There's math involved. Because high growth in a tiny county is (overall) not that important.

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Time: It’s There For The Taking

Time is a curiously modern thing. Which is weird, right?

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#AntiZumaMarches: This Civil Protest

Yoh. Some of these sign. My word.

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