Category: Volker Rule


Bruno Iksil: the Volkermort of JPMogwarts

Bruno Iksil: he rules from the shadows. So for those who haven’t been following, the recent story shaking the Bloomberg Buzzworld is that of the JPMorgan credit derivatives trader with enough capital to break indices. Other traders are upset and calling him names. Names like “He Who Must Not Be Named” and “the London Whale”. […]

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Daily News Roundup 2012: Thursday 1 March

Good Morning The headlines: We begin, as usual, with the Greek News: Greece has approved cuts in pensions and healthcare. There has, of course, been rioting. But no one likes their pensions cut. Link: Greek Parliament approves pension cuts. At the same time, the Greek PM, Lucas Papademos, has rejected calls from Luxembourg for the appointment […]

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