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Personal Finance: involves more persons than you think
Why are your personal finance goals under budget? It's all the people that you didn't take into account. But that might be a good thing.
read moreA Personal Finance (R)Evolution
Personal finance is not just savings and spreadsheets. It's time for a new paradigm - one that is a bit more balanced.
read moreI’m not paying for someone else’s mortgage!
And when your mortgage is really just rental paid to your bank.
read morePersonal Data: Learning To Live Publicly
Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, and what it may mean to live in a "post-privacy" world. It might be both easier and harder than we think.
read moreLove Economics: The Partner Markets
Preamble: this is a Valentine-specific blog post about the search for love. It’s from last year. I’m re-sharing it. Searching for a partner often sounds like looking for the right pair of shoes. Only, it’s a very specific shoe that you’re hunting for. It needs to be the right size, comfortable, fitting with your personal sense of style, and […]
read moreThe Drake Equation for girlfriends
Or for partners in general. Although the good news is that it's probably wrong.
read moreWhat Assets Make Up Wealth?
This is fascinating: Business interests, eh – who knew? Rolling Alpha posts opinions on finance, economics, and sometimes things that are only loosely related. Follow me on Twitter @RollingAlpha, and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/rollingalpha. Also, check out the RA podcast on iTunes: The Story of Money.
read moreLand Redistribution: It Doesn’t Work
Not if you want the new farmers to hold the private property rights to their new land.
read more