Here is a video that everyone ought to watch. At least, you should watch the middle part of it (I zoned out at the beginning there).
So first off, I’m not a massive fan of this type of commentary. I strongly dislike messages that follow the “Our world is a dark place because of the mess that we’ve gotten ourselves into, and if we only did this new thing, imagine what a great and glorious world we could have!” pattern – mainly because it’s too saccharine and neat and actually, the Bible has been saying this to us for millennia.
I do love a good observation.
In particular, I appreciate a point that deals with guilt. Specifically: workplace guilt.
Because here’s the thing:
- Everyone knows that we’re not created equal.
- Some people are more efficient than others.
- Often, that’s by choice.
- But most people don’t seem to care about that.
- If you’re not seen to be working, then clearly, you’re not doing your job.
- Which is highly prejudicial toward the lazy and inept, who are happy to chill at a lap top and make like they’re working whilst playing Candy Crush.
Examples of this kind of prejudice:
- Feeling cheated if you go to the doctor and they don’t check your breathing. Even if you’re going for an eczema rash on your foot.
- Judging those people that leave work early – even if you have no idea what they do and/or if they’re done with it.
Isn’t that insane?
It’s insane.
We’re employed for outcomes, not for time.
For some types of work, hours are a good approximation of outcome (like repeated manual tasks, waitering, etc). But for work that involves projects, tasks, goals, submissions, etc – then hours are a terrible proxy.
It’s just a thought.
Rolling Alpha posts opinions on finance, economics, and the corporate life in general. Follow me on Twitter @RollingAlpha, and on Facebook at