Quantitative Easing

fed balance sheet

Unwinding the Fed Balance Sheet

And deflating the asset pricing bubble.

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quantitative easing and hyperinflation

Quantitative Easing: Where Was The Hyperinflation?

Someone printed money. What happened to the inflation?

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Batman, Expectations, and QE?

Meet Batman: Just joking. This is Batman: His name is Daniel Kish, he’s blind, and he gets around using echolocation. Here he is teaching it: I realise that this may sound like a bit of old news. Daniel Kish has been appearing in feature segments of believe-it-or-not style documentaries for years. But recently, he was the […]

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Mario Draghi gives the Eurozone QE. And look at Denmark, dancing.

In case you missed the full announcement, here’s the link: Mr Draghi gets caught in a broken lift, arrives late, and  announces Quantitative Easing for the Eurozone. Here is the key paragraph: [The Governing Council of the ECB] decided to launch an expanded asset purchase programme, encompassing the existing purchase programmes for asset-backed securities and covered […]

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Eurozone Quantitative Easing: The Man on the Street (?) Summary

Today, the world is expecting Mario Draghi to announce a formal round of Quantitative Easing in the Eurozone. And I say “formal” because actually, it’s already been sort of happening through the ECB’s purchases of “peripheral bonds”*. *That is: buying the government debt of the peripheral Eurozone countries, like Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Portugal, etc. These bond […]

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Abenomics 105: Nationalise The Bond Market?

Some QE alternatives...

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Holiday planning? Dude. Buenos Aires.

I’ve never been to Argentina. But this year ought to be the year. Mainly because Argentina, alongside Turkey, India, South Africa and Indonesia, are rapidly becoming cheaper places to visit. But let me backtrack a second and talk about the world in general. Janet Yellen Is (Almost) The Mistress Of The World The US Federal […]

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How QE Works

Quantitative Easing, as practiced by Ben Bernanke and Mario Draghi, gets a lot of attention. When it threatens to trip, the Stock Markets go ahead and fall anyway. When it seems like it may jump, the Stock Markets start skipping. Ben and Mario – those men know what it feels like to hold the world […]

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I recently went to a business lunch where I had a long conversation with someone about the flow of money around the world. And then we started talking about the market being “risk on” and the market being “risk off”. Later that day, this article: “Emerging Markets Crack as $3.9 trillion Funds Unwind“. And then […]

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