Yesterday, before the debate, this happened on the fivethirtyeight election forecast:
As of this morning, that situation has reversed – but it’s still looking like a dead heat. Which is, you know, troubling.
But pushing that thought aside, I woke up this morning to all the first debate sound bites.
A personal favourite:
I particularly enjoyed Hillary sitting back all:
In case you’re wondering, here’s the 2002 soundbite where Donald supports the Iraq invasion (it’s around the 3:40 mark):
Other apparently ‘funny’ moments:
And the part where Donald Trump thinks he’s smart for paying no tax:
Trump responds by overstating the value of his buildings and inviting the media to go and ask the banks for his outstanding loan amounts. But it’s wasn’t ‘in a braggadocious way’, so apparently that’s alright.
Oh, and also, feel free to watch this debate by Emoji. Because this election season, “a live infographic brought to you by Mic, Debatemoji sifts through the deluge of debate night tweets to find out which emoji people are using the most”:
I mean, why not.
Rolling Alpha posts opinions on finance, economics, and the corporate life in general. Follow me on Twitter @RollingAlpha, and on Facebook at