For the background to this series of posts: here, here and here. And the summary:
- Small investors have some investing options.
- You can invest occasionally in lump sums (the once-off investors) or monthly through debit orders (the monthly investors).
- As for things to invest in, I’m a general fan of low-cost equity-index-tracker ETFs (as is Warren Buffett). But there are other possibilities as well.
- This series of posts is there to see which would work out well.
- Then there are some indicators at the end.
But before we get there, let’s start with all the bad news of Week 28:
- Awkward trade deficit numbers were released (and I’m not sure why everyone is so taken aback by them – none of the platinum miners are back up to full speed yet – and that’s going to have an across-the-board impact).
- This led to more exchange rate weakening – even after the weakening that followed Gill Marcus’ announcement that she would not be making herself available for another 5 year term as SARB governor.
- So all in all – not great.
The Once-Off Investors
In pictures and tables:
So anyone with dollar exposure had a good week.
The Monthly Investors
Same story.
The Indicators

Until next week!
Rolling Alpha posts opinions on finance, economics, and the corporate life in general. Follow me on Twitter @RollingAlpha, and on Facebook at