Category: Buffett Rule

index-linked funds and hedge funds

The Warren Buffett Bet: Index-Linked Funds FTW

9 years ago, Warren Buffett took a 10 year bet on low cost index-linked funds. He said they'd outperform hedge funds. He's already calling it a victory.

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Daily News Roundup 2012: Tuesday 17 April

Good morning The headlines: The next Spanish Debt auction is happening today, where the Spanish Government will sell 12 month and 18 month treasury bills. Yesterday, yields of Spanish 10-year bonds rose to 6.16%. The concern is that 7% was the barrier at which Greece, Ireland and Portugal all sought bailouts. But that’s on long-term […]

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Daily News Roundup 2012: Thursday 2 February

After two days, I’ve realised two things: I have a tendency to ramble;  Rambling takes a long time. Today, I’m going to try something different with the format. This is meant to be short and sharp. The key points I picked up in the News today: The world is still very excited about Facebook’s upcoming IPO […]

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