Category: CDS


Greek CDS Exposure: Proving the ISDA and Bloomberg Wrong

According to numerous news reports, the net exposure arising as a result of Friday’s decision to declare the activation of Greek CACs a credit-default event amounts to approximately $3.16 billion (assuming that the bonds achieve no value at the ISDA auction on March 19). Where is the data coming from? On the same day that […]

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The Subprime Mortgage Crisis

Alright, before I begin, I’d like to make the following observations: Some of the concepts/instruments I am going to mention have been explained more fully in a number of previous posts: Mortgages (see here) Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) (see here) Collateralised Debt Obligations (CDO) (see here) Ratings Agencies (see here) The content is based on a […]

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Credit-Default Swaps: the real issue with the Greek Debt Crisis

Recently, the Universe smiled at me. I walked into a small second-hand bookstore, and found a signed, annotated, mint condition, first edition copy of Nelson Mandela’s autobiography “Long Walk to Freedom”. I rushed off to change the limit on my bank-card, and half an hour later, it was mine. And really, I cannot deny that […]

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